Bucur Obor, apartament de 3 camere, soseaua Colentina

698 €

Bucur Obor, apartament de 3 camere, soseaua Colentina,

698 €
Suprafata 98 mp Semidecomandat
Optiuni interior: 2 gr. sanitare Balcon M 6 min.
Homnest Imobiliare va ofera spre inchiriere in exclusivitate un apartament cu 3 camere semidecomandat spatios si luminos in zona Bucur Obor - soseaua Colentina nr.2A , sectorul 2, Bucuresti. Recomandam sa programati o vizionare daca pretul chiriei este in bugetul dumneavoastra. Apartamentul are si o filmare care poate fi accesata prin lincul de mai jos.

Proprietatea a fost recent reconditionata si igienizata profesional. Apartamentul are balcon mare inchis cu termopane,este complet mobilat si utilat.Are o vedere frumoasa oferita de pozitia apartamentului la etajul 6/10.
Blocul este situat foarte aproape de statia de Metrou Obor, precum si statia de autobuz si tramvai. Sala de fitness, restaurante, magazinul si piata Obor, Mall Veranda sunt doar cateva din avantajele oferite de locatie.

Comision Agentiei este de 50%

Homnest Imobiliare offers you for rent exclusively a spacious and bright semi-detached 3-room apartment in the Bucur Obor Area - Soseaua Colentina no.2A, Sector 2, Bucharest. We recommend scheduling a viewing if the rental price is within your budget.
The apartment also has a video that can be accessed through the link below.


The property has been recently professionally renovated and sanitized. The apartment has a large balcony closed with thermal windows, is fully furnished and equipped. It has a beautiful view offered by the apartment's position on the 6th/10th floor.
The block is located very close to the Obor Metro station, as well as the bus and tram station. The fitness room, restaurants, the Obor store and market, Mall Veranda are just some of the advantages offered by the location.

Agency commission is 50%
Cod oferta: 2372815
23 vizualizari Bucuresti, ieri; 14:29
Statii metrou
Obor 6 min
Metrou Piața Iancului - Ascensor 21 min
Ștefan cel Mare 27 min
Statii STB
1 , 10 , 335330634N108 , 46 143 , 409 , 411 , 412 , 413 , 417 Bucur Obor 2 min
N Șoseaua Colentina 4 min
Turmelor 4 min
143 , 382 , 409 , 411 , 412 , 413 , 417 , 467 , 468 Ziduri Moși 5 min
Obor 6 min
382 Piata Obor 6 min
101 , 382 Piața Obor 7 min
1 , 46 330 , 335 Lizeanu 10 min
Evolutia preturilor imobiliare in Colentina-Obor
se incarca..
<img src="https://homnest.crmrebs.com/track/15/2372815.gif" />