Obor Apartament 3 Camere Zona Obor Soseaua Mihai Bravu 80 mp

93.500 €

Obor Apartament 3 Camere Zona Obor Soseaua Mihai Bravu 80 mp

93.500 €
Suprafata 63 mp An 1965 Semidecomandat Etaj 8 din 10
Optiuni interior: Balcon
Optiuni exterior: Structura beton M 6 min.
Homnest Imobiliare va propune spre vanzare, un apartament semidecomandat cu 3 camere situat pe Soseaua Mihai Bravu nr.42-46 foarte aproape de metrou Obor. Blocul a fost dat in folosinta in anul 1965, blocul este reabilitat termic si incadrat in Clasa de risc seismic la categoria - Urgenta 3(U3) (apartamentul se poate cumpara cu credit doar de anumite banci ) Apartamentul se afla la etajul 8 din 10, este foarte luminos si frumos compartimentat cu o suprafata utila de 63,78 mp + 16 balcon pe toata lungimea apartamentului ,un total de 80mp.
Apartamentul se poata vinde mobilat sau golit de mobila

Apartamentul are si o filmare care poate fi accesata prin link-ul de mai jos.

Homnest Imobiliare offers for sale a semi-detached 3-room apartment located on Mihai Bravu Road no. 42-46 very close to Obor metro station. The building was put into use in 1965, the building is thermally rehabilitated and classified in the seismic risk class - Emergency 3 (U3) (the apartment can be purchased with credit only from certain banks). The apartment is on the 8th floor of 10, it is very bright and beautifully divided with a usable area of ​​63.78 sqm + 16 balconies along the entire length of the apartment, a total of 80 sqm.
The apartment can be sold furnished or unfurnished

The apartment also has a video that can be accessed through the link below.
Cod oferta: 2391363
27 vizualizari Bucuresti, 25 Feb. '25 (13:18)
Statii metrou
Obor 6 min
Obor 10 min
Piața Iancului 12 min
Statii STB
330 , 335 , N108 Șoseaua Mihai Bravu 88 1 min
69 , 85 N108 Șoseaua Mihai Bravu 4 min
1 , 46 Bd. Ferdinand 5 min
69 , 85 N108 Oborul Nou 6 min
Obor 6 min
Făinari 7 min
1 , 10 , 335330634N108 , 46 Bucur Obor 8 min
101 , 330 , 335 , N108 Șoseaua Mihai Bravu 33 8 min
69 , 85 101 , N108 Avrig 9 min
Horei 10 min
Evolutia preturilor imobiliare in Colentina-Obor
se incarca..
<img src="https://homnest.crmrebs.com/track/15/2391363.gif" />