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Apartament 3 Camere 123 MP | Zona Baneasa | Phoenicia Residential Apartments

275.000 €

Apartament 3 Camere 123 MP | Zona Baneasa | Phoenicia Residential Apartments

275.000 €
Suprafata 123 mp An 2008 Decomandat Etaj parter din 10
Andrei Matzal ^ Global Home Romania ^ Real Estate ^ Imobiliare

Phoenicia Residential Apartments este un complex rezidential modern situat in zona de nord a Bucurestiului, care ofera apartamente spatioase si finisaje de calitate superioara. Proiectat pentru a satisface cerintele unei vieti urbane confortabile, complexul beneficiaza de facilitati moderne, securitate permanenta si acces rapid la principalele puncte de interes din capitala, fiind o alegere ideala pentru cei care cauta un stil de viata premium.

Amplasat in inima cartierului Baneasa, la o scurta distanta de faimosul parc cu acelasi nume, acest apartament se remarca prin dimensiuni si particularitati unice. Baneasa, cunoscut pentru prestigiul sau, ofera acces facil la parcul Herastrau, la scoli de top, atat private cat si de stat, restaurante de renume, cluburi exclusiviste si magazine de lux, devenind astfel un loc ideal pentru cei care apreciaza confortul si rafinamentul.
Cu o suprafata generoasa de 123 metri patrati, apartamentul este organizat pentru a oferi o experienta de locuit superioara. Zona de zi include un living spatios de 44 metri patrati, integrat cu o bucatarie deschisa, creand un spatiu aerisit si luminos, ideal pentru relaxare si socializare. Dormitorul matrimonial, de 34 metri patrati, este completat de o baie proprie, oferind un cadru intim si relaxant, iar cel de-al doilea dormitor, cu o suprafata de 19 metri patrati, ofera un spatiu confortabil. Apartamentul dispune de trei bai, oferind astfel intimitate si confort tuturor locatarilor.
De asemenea, apartamentul include un dressing spatios, care raspunde nevoilor moderne de organizare si depozitare.
Pentru cei care doresc o locuinta exclusivista si bine situata in Bucuresti, acest apartament din Baneasa este alegerea ideala.

Andrei Matzal ^ Global Home Romania ^ Real Estate ^ Real Estate

Phenicia Residential Apartments is a modern residential complex located in the northern area of ​​Bucharest, which offers spacious apartments and high quality finishes. Designed to meet the demands of a comfortable urban life, the complex benefits from modern amenities, permanent security and quick access to the capital's main points of interest, making it an ideal choice for those seeking a premium lifestyle.

Located in the heart of the Baneasa neighborhood, a short distance from the famous park of the same name, this apartment stands out for its unique dimensions and features. Baneasa, known for its prestige, offers easy access to Herastrau Park, top schools, both private and state, renowned restaurants, exclusive clubs and luxury shops, thus becoming an ideal place for those who appreciate comfort and refinement.
With a generous area of ​​123 square meters, the apartment is organized to provide a superior living experience. The living area includes a spacious living room of 44 square meters, integrated with an open kitchen, creating an airy and bright space, ideal for relaxing and socializing. The 34 square meter master bedroom is complemented by a private bathroom, offering an intimate and relaxing setting, and the second bedroom, with an area of ​​19 square meters, offers a comfortable space. The apartment has three bathrooms, thus offering privacy and comfort to all tenants.
The apartment also includes a spacious walk-in closet that meets modern organization and storage needs.
For those who want an exclusive and well-located home in Bucharest, this apartment in Baneasa is the ideal choice.
425 vizualizari Bucuresti, 07 Oct. '24 (13:57)
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