Buchet surpriza

748 RON

Buchet surpriza

748 RON
Plante, flori, copaci
Unicitate, spontaneitate si inspiratia de moment.

Asa producem noi buchetele surpriza marca Patchouli: ne asezam in jurul florilor pe care abia le primim de peste mari si tari, le admiram suavitatea, le atingem frunzele, le mirosim petalele si inchidem ochii pentru a putea pasi in universul lor. Si apoi asteptam…

We are waiting for the moment when our imagination is touched by the magic of flowers.
At that moment, we feel all the textures, colors, perfumes and life stories that hide behind the flowers. Our hands go, the mind rests, the soul is delighted. At the end, a new artistic creation will have its special place in your heart.

196 vizualizari Bucuresti, 24 Mar. '25 (13:57)